Saturday, January 23, 2010

2nd Birthday Phrases How Much To Spend On 2nd Birthday?

How much to spend on 2nd birthday? - 2nd birthday phrases

His 2nd My daughter's birthday in October and I'm not sure how much to spend. Last year I spent about £ 30 then gives a small celebration. I am planning a birthday party this year again. How much do you spend?


Proud Mommy of 3 :) said...

My daughter is in the November 2 issue in the current to 240 on food, decor and facilities, is my budget for the day B of each child. I decorate the tree U.S. dollars in bjs wholesale food import and going to his vanity to get to the magic of Disney Princess Toys R Us, it will be about 24 adults and children.

Robert said...

thats good you try to do what ever is happening, but no money, the money .... Significance, in my opinion, I prefer that my friend, if I had time, without any of the parties, after $ 2000 in donations and not what I want. As you see not spend a lot of money to at first glance, as it would be fun.

Hanna's Mom is Havin a Boy! said...

It does not really bother me a lot about how to spend, but I've always available 2nd And then if you have more than the others, what he does. if not work, then do not. It is also a party with friends and family, and cake and ice cream, I get a few frills, but do not go to the Office, and they just throw away anyway!

sbRjorda... said...

I will get around $ 100 for the family to dinner (I was working 50-60hrs a week and did not have time) to a party plan, then spent about $ 50 in clothing and shoes for themselves. Just have a party and buy something small.

JesusZoidberg Saves said...

I think I spent about ten dollars. The boy is 2, the love of God IRON.

GRRRR! ♥ said...

about 50 pounds and a small group:)

Anson W said...

The up to you, he will have no recollection of the event.

Jessey said...

Def not a lot. Hey hey forget and grow quickly if they are based

Twins said...

we forget immediately after the

garagetr... said...

depends on your income

garagetr... said...

depends on your income

(♥_♥) said...

$ 20

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